What are the Advantages of Gum Bleaching?
Watch this video to learn more about the benefits of gum bleaching in restoring their beautiful, pink pigment.
The advantage of the gum bleaching would create a nice pink color of the gum tissue, which is really important as far as your smile, because as I said, regardless of how beautiful the veneers or how beautiful the crowns, many people feel in order to have an attractive smile, if they have a nice crowns or nice veneers, that should solve the problem of creating attractive a smile.
Which is not the case because to have a nice veneers or nice dentition is only one factor. There are two other issues equally important to have an attractive smile. One would be the health and the color of the gum tissue. For that reason, when we say talking about a gum bleaching gum bleaching will take care of the second element to create a nice, beautiful, good looking gum tissue.
And obviously the position of the lip is important too especially when you are dealing with the gummy smile.