Many people in America suffer from a condition known as gummy smile, where excessive amounts of gum are shown when the sufferer smiles or laughs. The teeth may be incorrectly positioned in the jaw, or the lip may be hypermobile and lifting too high, showing off more gum than is attractive. In order to correct this problem, many patients choose to undergo a type of treatment designed to lower the lip. When you are considering lip lowering surgery, you will need to find out more about this operation before you go ahead.
Traditional Treatments
In the past, there were several treatments designed to correct a gummy smile that caused extreme discomfort. For example, patients may have treated the smile by resection in the jawline, in an attempt to reduce the amount of mobility in the lip and limit the gum line visible when smiling. However, the excessive level of surgery requiring hospitalization and with significant risk of problems in the aftermath may deter many patients. Dentists may also have other treatments such as fitting crowns on the teeth decide to lengthen them and reduce the obvious disparity between the gum line and the teeth themselves. However, this may result in excessively long looking teeth.
Reducing The Lip Movement
Rather than focusing upon the amount of gum that is exposed when you smile, and attempting to reduce that, a new solution is offered by The Total Smile. We can provide you with specialist surgery designed to lower the lip, preventing it from lifting up to exposed to gum and ensuring that you only need to have a minor surgery to reduce the amount of gum exposed when you smile. You won’t need to go to hospital or have your required in order to overcome problems with your gummy smile.
Talk To Us About Lip Lowering Today
Do you need to reduce the amount of gum shown when you smile? If you are looking for alternatives to major surgery or extending the length of your teeth, then you should talk to The Total Smile about our lip lowering surgery. Our cosmetic dental surgeon, Dr Farnoosh, is here to assist you with improving the look of your smile and increasing your confidence. To find out more about the treatments we offer, and to enquire about our complimentary consultation, contact us online today or call our Beverly Hills surgery at (310) 928-1796 now.