In Los Angeles, your smile can be your future, opening doors that would otherwise remain closed. For a fortunate few, their perfect smile never needs to be adjusted or treated, but for most of us, it is necessary to pay a visit to The Total Smile in order to leave a lasting impression when you smile. For those with a very gummy smile, Dr. Farnoosh is a gum specialist in Los Angeles with great knowledge and ability, treating patients requiring cosmetic dentistry as well as gum surgery in order to improve their smile and get the look that they have always wanted. When the time has come to fix problems with your smile, there is no better choice for your dental surgery.
Problems With An Excessive Gum Line?
One of the most common complaints that we receive from patients visiting our surgery for the first time is that they have a smile which shows a great deal of gum. This can be a serious problem for people working in the media or other kinds of performance jobs, because it looks so unappealing. The reason for this excessive gum line is that your upper lip is lifting up too far when you smile, so that it is pulled toward your nose and the majority of your upper gum line is revealed. In order to correct this in the past, you would have needed major jaw surgery, which was very painful and not always successful. Fortunately, we have developed a new treatment that requires less invasive surgery and gets much better long-term results.
Get Treatment With The Total Smile
In order to resolve this issue with your gum line, Dr. Farnoosh will separate the lip from the tissue which holds it in place in the jaw. This is a simple treatment that can be done in a few minutes, but by detaching the lip, it is now unable to draw up so high. In order to prevent it from reattaching in the same place and resulting in the same issue, we will instead perform an operation to reattach the lip tissue to the lower part of the gum line. This will keep the lip in place when you smile, making for a much smoother and classier smile, one that you will be delighted to show off to everyone around you.
Resolve Your Gum Problems Today
If you have been putting off contacting a gum specialist in Los Angeles because you have been too worried about the treatment, then you should feel reassured that The Total Smile is here to make the whole process much easier. You no longer have to worry about having a very painful operation which could put you out of work for several months, and instead can get a great opportunity to fix your gum line quickly and easily. In order to begin the process today, send in your details using our online contact form, or call (310) 928-1796 for a free consultation with Dr. Farnoosh today.